Saturday, June 8, 2013

Must. find. 5k.

C- 10 miles, slow

There was good running weather this morning.   It was in the low 70s, overcast, and not muggy.  My only excuse for my slow pace was my general lack on energy.  Considering that I'm supposed to be working on my speed this summer, I'm not particularly proud of the run.

D and I are running a 5k next weekend, so hopefully I'll get my fast twitch muscles moving some by then.  I haven't been able to find any other summer 5ks that fit into my schedule because I'll be traveling a fair amount.  However, not finding more races is making me antsy.  I'm all for the fun runs that I keep finding (color runs, tough mudder, spartan, etc), but I want a race where I can test my speed.  Going through obstacles is not going to help me work on my time.

Seems pretty pricey to get covered in dye- has anyone done this??

On the plus side, it was nice to see lots of ppl walking about with race numbers on today.  I'm pretty sure I passed runners from the "Lawyers have Heart" races in the Washington Harbor area (not sure how I missed this- maybe next year D?), and then runners covered in color by the U street area for the "Run or Dye" race.  Seeing all those race medals made me jealous!

Love it. Next year, perhaps?

So all of this leads to my question.  Is it worth registering for the 5k below??? It's a week after my 5k with D.  It's not cheap.  I don't even watch the show.  However, I'd really like to get in another race before August, and this one is metro accessible.  I'm getting desperate for another good race.
Biggest Loser RunWalk Race Series Logo

Finally, I am not posting this last picture so that you can admire my lovely bridesmaid dress that just came in the mail, although you are welcome to.   I'm posting it because I had to laugh when I saw the picture.  I swear, all of the mess in the background is already gone, but the mess was very telling.  Running shoes galore, water bottles from my running belt, pilates bag from last night, and a water bottle... clearly running is taking over my apartment!

Surrounded by all things running...

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