Starting with a little bit of background on me: I used to be a mediocre high school runner. In middle school, I started off running to get in shape so I could be a mediocre tennis player... but somewhere along the way those training runs turned into my sport of choice and by 8th grade I was a cross country runner.
(above - Me, (D) after my first half)
That went really well until my senior year, where my committment waned, and I found I wasn't even enjoying the sport anymore. When a tendon in my foot felt like a knife was wedged in it, I sat out my final race... and stopped running races (and really barely ran at all) for about 8 years.
An amazing thing happened when I started back up again - I was running for me. Sure my girlfriend C provided some much needed motivation to get over the readjustment period (I can't thank her enough for that), but I was running for fun again. As I've started racking up miles, race t-shirts, and a growing collection of gear, its been helpful and fun to have someone to geek out about the all things running related, and to motivate me on the long runs.
Thats why I start blogging with C- I want to have a record for us. Like running, this is just something I've started out, and I'd like to see how far it will take me. And maybe I can figure out how to stick with both and why I enjoy them so much.