Sunday, March 23, 2014

Four Courts Four Miler


First of all:

The Four Courts Four Miler was a really fun, if slightly challenging race.  It's an out and back course, which starts and ends with a fairly steep, nearly mile long hill.  D didn't find it that challenging, but it was all I could do not to swear during that final steep uphill to the finish.  I foresee another racing photo of me wincing in agony...

The best part of this race is that they start a "leprechaun" (ie fast runner in crazy outfit) about ten minutes after the everyone else.  For every person he passes, a dollar goes to charity, and for every person who beats him you get a little gift at the finish line.  It's also possible that the best part of this race is that you can get a free Guiness at the finish.  Either way, it's a cute race with lots of spirit.

Second of all:

My hamstrings are really tight.  I ran 13 miles yesterday, and then went to pilates this morning before a short recovery run.  My inability to bend correctly is getting a little ridiculous and more than a little embarrassing.  D already has a foam roller, so I just invested in one of these-

The Stick Marathon Stick

Lets hope it's worth it!

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Long, Rough Winter

C here.  It has been a long, rough winter for running: 
  • Some good things have happened (i.e. finally placing first place in my age/gender group in a small Thanksgiving 5k!)

My favorite type of snail mail!

  • Some not so-fun-things have happened (i.e. falling on ice and crashing in snowbanks, running in 0 degree weather wearing so many layers I waddled, getting a never ending series of colds that set back my training a surprising amount)

From one particularly nasty running fall on ice, where my gloves were totaled, but my hands were fine

  • Some things just happened (i.e. had a ton of fun in New Orleans, and D and I met one of my favorite people ever at the finish of a RnR half...but neither D nor I had the half marathon we'd trained for)

Proudly sporting the Garmin D got me :)

But we're still here, still running, and still finding our way back to our pre-winter fitness!  Next up, a 4 miler on Saturday
Jingle all the Way 8k in December - great race, good results, and I'd nearly forgotten about it!