Monday, December 10, 2012

A British Jantastic?

C - Sunday - 3 miles & Pilates
      Monday - 4 miles

Today should have been a non-running day, but I can't run tomorrow.  Despite some soreness from yesterday's pilates, tonight's run felt good and I really picked it up toward the end.  Tomorrow I'm supposed to attend a weight-lifting class with a co-worker during lunch.  If I don't write for the next week, it's because I've pulled every muscle in my wimpy arms.

My well loved running shoes.  Nike's Pegasus works well for me, so all I change is the color.

I love listening to podcasts when I run, and MarathonTalk in particular.  It's a free podcast put out by a couple of speedy Brits who know what they're talking about and enjoying talking all things running.  It really makes me feel like I'm part of larger running community and, strangely, it keeps me focused while I'm running.  I also appreciate that they're funny without being a non-stop comedy routine; I used to try running to CarTalk, and I actually stopped mid-run a few times because I was laughing so hard.

Jantastic - the Marathon Talk 2013 Spring Motivation Challenge

Bring it! (or bring on January anyway!)

The guys at MarthonTalk are hosting an annual challenge from January-March.  You have to predict your goals a month ahead of time as follows (taken from their page):
  • January (Jantastic) = How may runs will you do. Set the number of times per week you are going to run.
  • February (Febulous) = January + How far will your long runs be? Set the distances of your longest runs.
  • March (Marchvellous) = January + February + How fast will you run? Set your race targets.
I'm not sure if I'll do the whole challenge, but trying the January challenge will be a good way to get me moving.  I'm usually pretty good at sticking to my running plans, but <depending on what race David and I choose soon> I may make my January race plan a bit more of a challenge for me :o)

Also, for those following the blog, I said I was going to run a Thanksgiving Day 5k and I did.  Promise.  I've been waiting to write a race report on this race-

Batten Kill Valley Runners
Batten Kill Valley Runners
17th Annual Running of the Turkeys

cause the race results still aren't posted.  Loved the race, but at this rate about all I'll remember are the spiffy gloves all the runners got- and that I promptly lost.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Second 5k of the Season - Cambrige 5k Yulefest

C-     Monday - 0 miles
         Tuesday - 5 miles
         Wednesday - 5 miles
         Thursday - 5 miles
         Friday - 0 miles
         Saturday - 8 miles
times unknown

OK, so I'm not exactly back to my normal weekly running mileage, but I'm getting there.  My goal is 3 miles and pilates tomorrow.  Hopefully I won't continue the post-pilates pain-in-the-butt trend, and I'll keep ramping up the mileage.  
D and I ran a 5k on Sunday.  The Cambridge 5k Yulefest in fact.  This was a fun race in the heart of Cambridge, Mass.  A lot of runners were dressed up and the outdoor post-race party afterward was nice.  Since all runners have to be over the age of 21 years, a race admission gets you all the beer that you're willing to stand in line for at the after party.  D and I didn't go crazy with the drinks, but it was a fun, festive (chilly) atmosphere.  Plus, there were lots and lots of free trial sized Luna bars- always a plus.

The race itself was pretty flat and good for a PR.  I believe there was water on the course, but I never wanted any, so I'm not sure where it was.  I didn't have a watch (still not working), so I was nervous about my pace and wasn't sure if I'd hit the first mile.  Turns out there were mile markers and race clocks at every mile-- and I ran the first mile too fast.  There weren't a lot of people cheering, but there were enough.

From the Runner's World Facebook Page- love it!

Some streets were blocked so that they had no traffic and some streets only had one lane blocked for runners.  My biggest aggravation was when some cars started pulling out into the middle of runners.   I already wheeze enough without breathing in some car's exhaust in the middle of mile 2 of a 5k.  I hope that the policemen along the course moved to stop cars from "entering" the race, as the cars were just starting to pull in to the course when I ran by, and I'm not sure what happened afterward.

So on the happy side- yay, I ran a PR.  23:36 minutes (7:35/mile pace).  I know that I shouldn't dismiss a PR.  I am happy with my time, but darn it, based on my training, I know I'm capable of running a sub-23 minute 5k already.  There.  Now I'm done complaining.  Yay PR.  D had a good run as well, but that's his story.  

Other race notes- D wasn't happy that the race T was a standard cotton shirt, but I thought it was fine.  There was chip timing.  The race cost is more than most 5ks, but includes the after party.  The photographers focused on the costumed runners, and I haven't seen any actual photos of the race winners- gives you a sense of the type of race that it is.  Fun race, but with a party emphasis.

Now, where to run our next race...